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Volunteering & Community Service

A person is held accountable for the bounties Allah granted him/her, including the person's time, knowledge and wealth. Allah grants great reward in the hereafter for those who spend from these bounties in ways that benefit righteous causes and especially those who concern themselves with attending to other people needs.

About Volunteering & Community Service

Yaseen Foundation as a community based nonprofit institution depends heavily on volunteers to manage its operations and deliver its services. Volunteers are the biggest asset Yaseen has. We are always in search for volunteers who can deploy their experience, education and skills to further the causes of our community and manage our organization affairs. Our needs span all fields and we can benefit from any level of commitment as long as the volunteer treats their contribution no less than the commitment they make to an employer. We need dependable volunteers to lead projects and others to work with the project leads to deliver them.

Volunteering Benefits

Volunteers enjoy the following benefits:

  • Fulfill their obligation to their faith by giving from their time and knowledge to good causes.
  • A great feeling of satisfaction that comes from giving without expecting anything in return.
  • Contribute to projects that count for you as "Sadaqa Jaria" ever lasting reward.
  • Meet and interact with great people.
  • Accelerate our community's ability to achieve it's vision to protect our faith and empower our future.
  • Waived membership fees, highest level of discounts on facility use rental as well as priority admission in Yaseen programs.

Project Types

Handyman Work

We have projects that involve facility maintenance and furniture setup that require handyman skills such as ability to use manual and power drilling and screw drivers, wood and metal cutting, furniture assembly, electrical work, plumbing work, etc. The following is just a sample:

  • Repairing banquet tables involve patching and sanding wood surfaces, leg replacement and staining.

  • Fine tuning training tables installation to enable smooth operation of privacy screens
  • Sanding and sealing the restroom countertops to reduce scuff marks and discoloration
  • Installing additional electrical outlets and electrical fixtures
  • Complete installation of kitchen cabinets


These are regular facility operations related tasks that never end. Even through we have a cleaning service, we can't have the service every day, so we need to maintain the facility cleanness in between. Supplies need to be organized into a system and maintained. The following is just a sample:

  • Clear & setup four office rooms as meeting/class rooms

  • Organize office supplies, media and similar

  • Wipe restrooms before and after each of the Jumaa.

  • Wipe restrooms and replenish supplies at least once a week. Order or request supplies when inventory is low.
  • Make sure waste separated properly across recycling, compost and land fill bins before Recology pickup days
  • Storage keeping and Inventory Management

IT & Media Work

We have IT issues to deal with like setting up computers, internet, projectors, printers as well as an ambitious goal to automate all of Yaseen affairs. This involves defining requirements, evaluating software, implementing software, developing integrations, etc. The following is just a sample:

  • Setting up and maintaining WiFi and internal network

  • Evaluate, Implement and maintain CRM, Donor Care, Membership, Volunteering, Event and Class registration, workflow automation, etc
  • Automate all communication channels: digital boards, website, social media, etc.
  • Operate access control, surveillance, fire alarm and similar systems

Community Care

Often we need people to talk to people to make them feel welcome, appreciated, recognize their contributions, solicit there action, etc. The following is just a sample:

  • Provide regular community updates through events and communication channels

  • Respond to incoming phone calls, emails, and other communication
  • Membership recruiting and renewal campaigns
  • Quran Academy parents communication and assistance with inquiries, registration, and technology use (e.g. zoom)
  • Bookkeeping and accounting
  • Donations collections, counting and deposits

Program Management

We need people to take the lead and work with leads to develop and maintain quality services and programs. The following is just a sample:

  • Islamic character / manner building activities for our children, youth and adults
  • Youth Development & Civic Engagement programs
  • Marriage education
  • Community service for elderly care

  • Programs for mothers with babies
  • Recreational activities for all ages
  • Eid and Ramadan setup and management tasks

Institution Building

Lead and participate on boards, committees and other bodies that deal with long term concerns, strategies. The following is just a sample:

  • High school age volunteering organization

  • Fundraising, grants applications and donor outreach
  • Government and interfaith engagement
  • Funeral home, funeral services expansion
  • Quran Academy, Languages Academy, etc.
  • Teacher development and recruiting
  • Community development strategy and programs
  • Economic empowerment strategy and programs

Volunteering & Community Service Application

Please fill in the following form to express interest in one or more categories. We prefer that you pick up categories and projects that you have passion for and can handle very well. Projects that are similar to your line of work and education are recommended, but not necessary. Proper volunteering is no different from taking a for pay job. Volunteers need to be willing to follow through on their commitment, accept guidance and responsibility for their work.


Yaseen Belmont Masjid

621 Masonic Way, Belmont, CA

Yaseen Burlingame Center

1722 Gilbreth Rd, Burlingame, CA

Yaseen Foundation is registered in the State of California with 501(3)c Federal Tax Exemption status and EIN 91-2020277
Copyright © 2020 Yaseen Foundation. All Rights Reserved.