قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم ( أحب الأعمال إلى الله أدومها وإن قل) أخرجه البخاري في صحيحة
The Prophet (PBUH) said (in the meaning of Hadith): The most beloved good deeds to Allah (SW) are the most sustained.
A donor who pledges monthly recurring contributions to the Operations fund. A simple income based formula to determine fair obligation to your local Masjid is to pay 1% of your monthly gross income in monthly contributions. For example a $10K gross monthly income translates to $10K x 1% = $100 a month. Any amount will make a difference. Following are three levels of Individual and Business Sustainers:
$50+ monthly
$100+ monthly
$200+ monthly
$150+ monthly
$250+ monthly
$500+ monthly
Multiply the impact and value of your donations by considering Corporate Matching! For great tax savings also consider Stocks Gifting!
Please note, Credit Cards aren't suitable for smaller than $5 payments. For example $1 payment fee is 52 cents. So instead of donating $1 a day please consider donating $30 a month the fee will be $1.11
We strive to keep your trust every day. Since its inception in 1999 Yaseen Foundation held the trust of individuals and corporate donors. We are registered in the State of California with 501(3)c federal tax exemption status EIN 91-2020277.
Yaseen Belmont Masjid
621 Masonic Way, Belmont, CA
Yaseen Burlingame Center
1722 Gilbreth Rd, Burlingame, CA